Friday, February 14, 2014

FYI: Change of E-mail

Coming out of hibernation...

I have a new e-mail address:

thegreatsilence(you know the sign to put here)

It's also listed in my profile in the link on the right side of the page.

As I mentioned a few months ago I had e-mail problems, and it is happening again. I took the necessary precautions then, but here we go again. I think I know what happened this time with an older computer I use. Still it sickens me how easy the spamming can happen to anyone who has contacted me in the past so...enough is enough.

As I said last time. I do not send out random links without some sort of explanation. That's not my style. Please delete or block the e-mail if you see something like that.

So, from now on the hotmail account is done.

...back into hibernation mode.