Okay, lots of stuff to mention here, so let's get going.
First, today is the anniversary of the death of Morgan Earp. I decided it was time to upload a new version of the gravesite location. I went back and made a few changes to the old blog as well:
RIP Morgan Earp (Youtube Version)
RIP Morgan Earp (Vimeo Version)
Rest in Peace Morgan Earp Blog
Second, I uploaded a bunch of new videos and blogs in the past few days. This is to catch up with everything that should have been up during the past month. Long story short, my internet provider had to send out a tech guy three separate times due to a low signal on my connection. I was able to use my connection during the morning for a few hours, but by late afternoon it was really bad. Everything is fine now so I should be able to be more consistent and have something up almost once every week or two for a while.
Three, I was reminded of a comment I made to Alex in one of the last blogs I did about mountain climbing recently. I did some really cool local hikes over the past two weeks that I will probably talk about in a few months time. They have a different type of danger to them than the mountain climbs, but the last one I did, after all the danger was over, I ended up kicking a rock and falling over on flat ground. Luckly, I did not fall on my camera's as bad as I thought I did. My gps and walking stick went flying, but no major damage. Lol! The hikes were really cool because, even though they are near the city, they are really remote due to lack of trails. It was more of a bushwack "jungle" adventure for me. I think you will like them when I eventually get to them because the final reward on each of them is really cool.
Fourth, my brother called last night and told me to turn on the television. Oh boy! I saw one of the worst documentaries last night on t.v. It almost makes a mockery of everything I try to do on here. No, it really had nothing to do with me, but it really felt like it since I was very nearby while they were filming it. I recorded the thing and will rip it to shreds on here at the beginning of next month.
Alright, I think that covers about everything I wanted to say. I be going through the recent blogs this weekend and making any changes that are needed. If any of the links are not working, then I will take care of them at that time.