Monday, September 19, 2011

Palm Springs Tram (The Inside)

Dean Martin and Sharon Tate run through the entrance of the station:In the previous blog, I was just standing outside of the doors here. This is the entrance they would have gone through for the movie.
They then run through the station to get tickets.
Things have definately changed and modernized, but you should see traces of the windows, the door, and the stairs that appeared in the movie. You purchase tickets on this side now.
In the movie they purchase tickets on the other side.
There is a point where Sharon is inside a restroom and Dean is down on the floor trying to hide from the villains. I really thought I would be able to get that, but I am not sure that area exists like that these days.

In the above picture, there is a small passageway in the background on the right. We hung out near the chairs by there that morning, and then around 80 people got in the tram to go up the 6,000 ft. The tram is built to keep rotating while you go up and down it. So, you are not always facing one direction, but will have views in all directions in the 12 minutes it takes to do it. In the next blog entry I will show a few pictures of how it looks from inside the tram.

The Palm Springs Tram (Youtube Version)

The Palm Springs Tram (Vimeo Version)