One is Plotosaurus which was around about 66 million years ago:

Ancient Monsters: Sea Creatures (Youtube Version)
Ancient Monsters: Sea Creatures (Vimeo Version)
Some external links:
Plotosaurus (Wikipedia Article)
Morenosarus (or Muraenosaurus) (Wikipedia Article)
L.A. Natural History Museum
On the day I did this I must have spent a few hours exploring and taking videos/pictures of all that I saw in the dino exhibit. I then spent an addition hour quickly going through the rest of the museum. I still felt there was more I could have spent additional time on. Even in the dino exhibit I felt I rushed at some points because I did not read signs they had out. There was much more I could have shown on here as well. So, at some point I will go back there, and if you are ever in Los Angeles I would suggest you do to.
The title of the song used in the video is Shamanistic from