(GPS: N38° 01.330 W119° 15.700)
At some point, the dirt road ends and the hike begins.
The following gives you the big picture of how this hike is. Some fall color, lots of streams and ponds, lots of trees, and going far back into a canyon. Trees in a pond:
Some fall color here. In the past few years of my fall experiences in the High Sierra, you have a very short time to see colors at certain areas. One week it could be yellow then the next week it could be a leafless tree. Last year I felt I got short changed on fall conditions so it is something I have been thinking about for this year. Just a month ago I noticed some colors were turning which is quite early. Last weekend I noticed some at the higher elevations were turning from yellow to red where I am at.
Eventually, the miner's cabin is encountered:
It tells you at the trailhead to leave this one alone. There are a few broken down cabins that one can see along the trails of the Eastern Sierra. Another one I have shown before was on the trail at Virginia Lakes.
Beautiful, yet spooky being out here all alone.
I'll continue this one in the next blog tomorrow.
This video was done with the old camcorder. So, take it for what it was and is:
The Fall in Lundy Canyon (Youtube Version)
The Fall in Lundy Canyon (Vimeo Version)
Music used from Incompetech.com was Awaiting Return and Trio for Piano, Cello, and Clarinet.