Friday, December 08, 2023

R.I.P. Marden Kids

 I went over a lot of the Cemtery at Aurora back in 2011. I did not really feel the need to do this one over again so I will link to that one below.

I do want to go over two of the grave areas that are important to me. The one I am focusing on in this blog will be the Marden family kids.

I am going to refer you to the video below that covers everything I want to say about this family. It is the mark of living in the olden days when you have big families because you never know how many kids will survive into adulthood. These days with medical technology it is a lot different.

The obelisk on the left represents four kids. There is a name on each of the four sides of it. I have taken pictures of each side since I was there since I did not in 2011. I show the sides in the video.

I might come back and edit this blog at a later time if there is something else I want to say about this family. I will probably reread the books I mention in the video sometime next year. 

The one thing I did in the original video is I was emphasizing the diphtheria outbreak on members of the family that had it so I said one of the kids of the family survived the outbreak. Yet, there were two others that never had it so the total family kids of the Marden's that survived into the 20th century were three. In other words, all the kids that had diphtheria died, but one. Yet, there were two others that never had diphtheria at all. So, a total of three Marden kids were still alive after the outbreak. I made something more complicated than it should have been, but what you do?

 I think this is something we need to keep in mind when we talk to others and read what others say on the internet. There is a tendency to emphasize something and leave out other things depending on how important they are. I always see people respond to others, "You forgot to mention..." which is probably not true at all. I had this issue when making the Streets of Aurora video. I had to remind myself to keep things simple because a lot more could be said for just about everything I said in that video. Like a lot of videos I do that I talk in, I have to narrow down what I say. My rule of thumb is if I talk to much I ruin the video. The Streets of Aurora video was an exception I felt I really needed to speak in that one.

R.I.P. Marden Kids (Youtube Video)

R.I.P. Aurora Blogs