Monday, December 31, 2007

Belle Starr's Daughter (Summary)

This will be my final post until next year (which means I might have another entry tomorrow). I wanted to just do a wrap up of the last few entries.

As I have said a few times, this is a unique find since no other movie has been filmed in these areas from what I can tell. This B-Western is rare and next to impossible to get right now. It would be nice for some company to release a better quality edition so I can get some more precise shots of the area.

The major outdoor scenes were done in two areas:

Sinnamon Meadows (N38 06.730 W119 14.345)
HWY 108 Sonora Pass on the way to Kennedy Meadows
(N38 21.760 W119 29.860)

To see the entries:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (This is the one off of HWY 108)
Part 4